Monday, April 30, 2012

Sketch Book Reflection

My cover to my sketch book represents myself as a designer, I love the feel and beauty flowers and nature can bring to a space so I wanted to use a rose, which was also my inspiration for my room project. I also used many elements I learned over this semeseter, the colors are complementary red and green, the flower was placed in a grid format, I used hit-go-hit lines and professional gap in my border, as well as the use of architectural lettering.

Continuing to work on my architecture lettering, I reflected upon my sketches I have completed through the semester.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Room to Read Process Poster

This process poster demonstrates my beginning skill level working with Photoshop and InDesign. Through self teaching and exploring these programs, I was able to convert my idea of a Room to Read into a 3 dimensional model and explain my thought process through this poster. The skills I demonstrate through this poster are sketching and planning a layout, working with a grid system, proximity of text and pictures, concept development, and overall cohesiveness to display my room.

Monday, April 16, 2012


A professional, yet personal resume is an important part of obtaining a job in the Interior Design field. Making a resume specifically for Interior Design, I was able to display some of my work, as well as continue to increase my skills in InDesign. With this resume, I not only was able to include my contact information, education, and work experience, I was able to list my skills and show some work I have completed so far in my classes, such as sketches and a poster from an owl exhibit I worked on, and a draft drawing of a wall elevation. I am excited to continue adding to my resume as I gain experience and work on new projects.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Design Logo

Starting off with sketching ideas of how to incorporate my initials; TW into my logo was fun but yet challenging to do, while keeping my design philosophy in mind.
After all my sketching, I decided this logo best represented where I wanted to go with my design. From creating the logo, changing the colors and  lines, creating a gray scale, and a document, I was able to increase my skills in Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. This design is fun, and colorful, but yet organized and reflecting my view on interior design.