Monday, September 10, 2012

Case Study: Sustainable Design

Introducing new ways to build homes to accommodate the future is crucial in design. This case study briefly describes the use of sustainable building materials from a newly renovated home in Los Angeles, CA. This house efficiently restored over 75% of the existing structure and from there was able to incorporate the needs of their life, nature, and green quality.
Brushing up my skills on InDesign, along with the help of my three team members, we were able to come up with a layout that incorporated the elements on a case study report. Starting pretty basic, our design evolved into a more professional layout with the addition of colored text books, additional pictures, and a unity with all the posters with fonts and titles.
My strengths from this case study were leading my group in discussions, coming up with a direction for the posters, and keeping communication open. The weaknesses I came across was the fact I could have done a little more research on the types of sustainable design and how they could be related to anyone’s life. Overall, I think the concept of the poster comes across the audience.

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